12th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT)
The 12th annual American Society for Cellular and Computational Toxicology (ASCCT) meeting will be held on 23rd-25th October 2023 in Washington DC, USA. The meeting will focus on elevating new approaches in risk assessment and the advancement of in vitro and computational toxicology.

Monday 23rd October 2023
- 09.15-11.15: NAMs as Problem-Solvers: Chairs: Dr Maria Fortin and Dr Shaun McCullough
- OR3 - Practical Application of New Approach Methods in Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Testing (PDF 3.11 MB). Predrag Kukic1, Paul Carmichael1, Matthew Dent1, Jade Houghton1, Amer Jamalpoor2, Luke Flatt2, Hequn Li1, Alistair Middleton1, Gopal Pawar1, Claire Peart1, Katarzyna Przybylak1, Magdalena Sawicka1, Sandrine Spriggs1, Ramya Rajagopal1, Katy Wilson1, Kathryn Wolton1, Iris Muller1 (1Unilever, SEAC; 2Toxys)
- 12.30-13.30: Poster Session I: Integrating NAMs for Better Decision-Making
- P07 - Making Safety Decisions for a Sunscreen Active Ingredient Using Next Generation Risk Assessment: Benzophenone 4 Case Study (PDF 2.38 MB). Matthew Dent1, Sophie Cable1, Nicola Hewitt2, Jade Houghton1, Hequn Li1, Joe Reynolds1, Predrag Kukic1, Sharon Scott1, Sophie Malcomber1, Reuben Mascarenhas3, Camilla Alexander-White4, Maria Baltazar1 (1Unilever, SEAC; 2Cosmetics Europe; 3The Estée Lauder Companies Inc.; 4MKTox Consultancy)
- P11 - An Exposure-Led Approach to Worker Safety Assessment of Sodium 2-Hydroxyethane Sulphonate Using New Approach Methodologies (PDF 938.21 KB). Carl Westmoreland1, Catherine Breffa2, Caroline Chaine3, Susann Fayyaz2, Fabian Grimm2, Steve Gutsell1, Predrag Kukic1, Reiko Kiwamoto1, Moung Sook Lee2, Colin Smith4, Willemien Wieland4, Adam Wood1, Tristan Zellmann5 (1Unilever; 2Clariant Produkte Deutschland GmbH; 3Vantage Specialty Chemicals; 4Environmental Resources Management Limited; 5Vantage Leuna GmbH)
- 16.40-18.00: Integrating NAMs for Better Application: Chairs: Dr William Bisson and Dr Stephen Edwards
- OR12 - The SARA-ICE Model for Predicting Skin Sensitizer Potency (PDF 1.48 MB). Gavin Maxwell1, Georgia Reynolds1, Joe Reynolds1, Nicola Gilmour1, Judy Strickland2, Emily N Reinke2, Dori Germolec3, Jim Truax2, Dave G Allen2, Nicole Kleinstreuer3 (1Unilever, SEAC; 2Inotiv; 3NIH/NIEHS/DTT/PTB/NICEATM)
Tuesday 24th October 2023
- 11.00-12.00 Poster Session II: Ecological Assessment, Mixtures, and Device
- P18 - Advancing Animal-Free Environmental Safety Assessments of Cosmetics. Amelie Ott1, Glauco Battagliarin2, Marlies Bergheim3, Arnaud Boivin4, Bruno Campos5, Iain Davies6, Juliet Hodges5, Sascha Pawlowski2, Harald Streicher7 (1International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety (ICCS); 2BASF; 3Henkel; 4L'Oréal; 5Unilever, SEAC; 6PCPC; 7Beiersdorf)
- 15.45-17.45 Workshop Session: Case Study on Integrating NAMs into Decision-Making: Chairs: Predrag Kukic1, Gavin Maxwell1, Kristie Sullivan2 (1Unilever, SEAC; 2Institute for In Vitro Sciences)
Wednesday 25th October 2023
- 09.00-11.00 CE 3: Putting Theory into Practice: Using in Vitro and Computational New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in Human-Relevant Risk Assessment. Nicole Kleinstreuer1, John Wambaugh2, Joshua Harrill2, Predrag Kukic3 (1NTP Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM), NIEHS, Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Area; 2US Environmental Protection Agency; 3Unilever, SEAC)
Related Links
- ASCCT Annual Meeting
- Practical Application of New Approach Methods in Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Testing (PDF 3.11 MB)
- Making Safety Decisions for a Sunscreen Active Ingredient Using Next-Generation Risk Assessment: Benzophenone-4 Case Study (PDF 1.03 MB)
- An exposure-led approach to worker safety assessment of sodium 2- hydroxyethane sulphonate using New Approach Methodologies (PDF 938.94 KB)
- The SARA-ICE Model for Predicting Skin Sensitizer Potency (PDF 1.48 MB)