58th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology – EUROTOX 2024
58th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology – EUROTOX 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-11th September 2024.

Oral Presentations:
Evaluation of a Next Generation Risk Assessment Framework for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity (PDF 829.75 KB), ERASS Speciality Section Meeting, Monday 9 September, 12h00 – 13h00, #199, Presenting Author; Kathryn Wolton.
Making Safety Decisions for a Sunscreen Active Ingredient Using Next-Generation Risk Assessment: Benzophenone-4 Case Study (PDF 2.05 MB). S10: Practical Application of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for human health risk assessment; Session date & time: Monday 9th September, 16h00 – 18h00, #123, Presenting Author; Maria Baltazar.
Incorporating expert knowledge in the Skin Allergy Risk Assessment (SARA) Model: an integrated approach to testing and assessment (IATA) demonstrated in case studies (PDF 1.7 MB). OS01: OS01: Short Orals Session 1 Session date & time: Monday 9th September 16h00 – 18h00, #170, Presenting Author; Georgia Reynolds.
Assessing the protectiveness and utility of a new approach methodology-based toolbox for systemic toxicity (PDF 930.78 KB), OS01: Short OS01: Short Orals Session 1 Session date & time: Monday, 9 September,16h00 – 18h00, #142, Presenting Author; Matthew Dent.
Establishing scientific confidence in physiologically based kinetic (PBK) models for quantitative in vitro-to-in vivo extrapolations (QIVIVE) in the absence of in vivo kinetic data (PDF 1.32 MB), OS02: Short Orals Session 2, Tuesday 10th September, 10h00 – 12h00, #163, Presenting Author; Ans Punt.
Skin Allergy Risk Assessment (SARA) Model: GARDskin dose-response as a possible input (PDF 634.38 KB), SenzaGen Industry Hosted Session, Tuesday 10 September, 12h00 – 13h00, Presenting Author; Georgia Reynolds.
Update on the science program of the International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety, S22 – What’s new for addressing safety: a multi stakeholders’ perspective, Tuesday 10 September, 16h00, #515, Presenting Author Gladys Ouédraogo (L’Oreal – on behalf of the industry), Unilever Author: Maria Baltazar.
Application of Quantitative Systems Toxicology to Support Chemical Safety Assessment in the Cosmetics Industry (PDF 3.62 MB), S18 –Advances and Applications in Quantitative Systems Toxicology to Support Chemical Safety Assessment, Tuesday 10 September, 14h00 – 15h00, #769, Presenting Author; Andrew White.
Combining in vitro and in silico tools for assessing the inhalation hazard of sodium dodecyl sulphate aerosols (PDF 2.15 MB), Session P01, In vitro methodologies & screening, Monday 9th September, 09h30, #110, Presenting Author; S. Sengupta (National Research Centre for the Working Environment). Unilever authors; Hugh Barlow and Maria Baltazar.
Establishing scientific confidence in a NAM toolbox and workflow using a flexible framework (PDF 397.87 KB), Session P19a - Risk Prediction and Assessment /Risk assessment using New Approach Methodologies, Monday 9th September 2024, 15h30, #124, Presenting Author; Georgia Reynolds.
Evaluation of a Next Generation Risk Assessment Framework for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity (PDF 829.75 KB), Session: P19b - Risk Prediction and Assessment /Risk assessment using New Approach Methodologies, Tuesday 10th September, #199, Presenting Author; Kathryn Wolton.
Using next generation risk assessment (NGRA) to make safety decisions for cosmetic ingredients under regulatory scrutiny (PDF 1.15 MB), Session: P19b - Risk Prediction and Assessment /Risk assessment using New Approach Methodologies, Tuesday 10th September, #768, Presenting Author; Andrew White.
Advancing the Application of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in Systemic Toxicity Assessment of Cosmetic Ingredients: Insights from Cosmetics Europe Long Range Science Strategy (2016-2022) Case Studies (PDF 1.28 MB), P19b - Risk Prediction and Assessment /Risk assessment using New Approach Methodologies, Tuesday 10th September, 12h00, #356, Presenting Author; Catherine Mahony (P&G), Unilever authors; Maria Baltazar and Matthew Dent.