Traditional (eco)toxicology often relies on animal testing to assess chemical safety, but there are increasing scientific, regulatory, and societal calls for non-animal alternative apporoaches which can deliver enhanced environmental protection.
In the recent editorial titled” Establishing a NexGen, mechanism-based environmental risk assessment paradigm shift: Are we ready yet?”, published in the Journal of Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, it argues that, although recent developments in New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) mean that alternative options are becoming readily available, there is a disconnect between scientific development and regulatory acceptance in some areas.
In order to capitalise on the opportunities for increased relevance, biological coverage, and throughput to improve environmental and human health safety assessments, we propose an exposure‐led, NAMs‐based, Next Generation Environmental Risk Assessment paradigm, requiring orchestration between stakeholders (academia, industry, civil society, regulators, and decision makers).
A concerted effort between ALL relevant stakeholders remains the foundation for seamless science translation into fit-for-purpose tools for enhanced human and environmental protection.