Brown University
Collaborative research to address some of the limitations in current NGRA approaches with regards metabolic competence
Our scientists are at the forefront of modern advances in safety and environmental sustainability science, working in partnership with leading academic and government scientists around the world. These collaborations ensure our safety and sustainability assessments are always informed by the latest scientific tools, approaches and knowledge.
Collaborative research to address some of the limitations in current NGRA approaches with regards metabolic competence
Development of in silico tools for the prediction of membrane-water partitioning
In Vitro Science Webinars Series: updates on new approach methodologies (NAMs) applied to human and environmental safety
Development and dissemination of computational models for classification of chemicals by ecotoxicological mechanisms
Increasing understanding and developing models to understand how changes to the oral microbiome can affect health
To provide a positive contribution to education and research in sustainability assessment approaches, nurturing a new generation of scientists in industry and academia
Development of predictive, spatial assessment approaches related to climate, biodiversity, and ecosystem services
To investigate the effect of the long-term use of microbial agents in domestic microbial-based cleaning products on surfaces and consumers microbiomes
Developing case studies to demonstrate the applicability of approaches to support regulatory change
Improved mechanistic understanding of allergic sensitisation and development of new human cell-based assays to investigate this
Increasing understanding and developing tools to improve next generation risk assessments for human health
Development of new environmental sustainability methods, tools and insights related to ecolabels and LCA
Development of new environmental sustainability science and insights related to climate and biodiversity
To provide a positive contribution to education and research; nurturing a new generation of scientists able to exploit novel science in industry, academia, and regulation as well as internship opportunities for WUR students within the field of NGRA
Collaborative Relationship Resulting in the Development of the Cell Stress Panel, an in vitro New Approach Methodology within our Core Systemic Safety Toolbox
Developing case studies to demonstrate applicability of omics-based NAMs approaches to support regulatory change
Evaluation of ToxTracker for Genetic Toxicology assessment and mode of action investigations; and Evolution and Implementation of Advanced Human Stem Cell-Based Assays in Dose Relevant NGRA for Developmental Toxicity
To collaborate with an influential science and UK-based advocate for NAMs on the application, acceptance, commercialisation of new approaches & supporting the development of next-generation safety scientists
To collaborate with an influential Danish-based advocate for NAMs to evaluate the constrained drop surfactometry (CDS) as an in vitro tool to assess the effects of inhaled materials on lung surfactant function
Generation of a shared set of NAM data in multiple cell types to help inform critical questions including a selection of cell lines and biological coverage for human and environmental safety assessment
Partner in the Animal Free Safety Assessment (AFSA) Collaboration. Global harmonization of non-animal cosmetic safety assessmentand chemicals legislation & investment in the development of education and training materials
European Commission and EU Industry working together to replace, reduce or refine animal testing by innovative, non-animal approaches. The current focus is on the use of NAMs for chemical registration
To provide a functional and sustainable solution for advancing human risk assessment of chemicals without the use of animals in line with the principles of 21st century toxicity testing and next generation risk assessment
To develop, validate and implement integrated approaches to lead the way toward next-generation risk assessment. Partner in Animal-free Safety assessment of chemicals: Project cluster for Implementation of novel Strategies (ASPIS)
To support the activities of the Life Cycle initiative to promote life cycle thinking globally
Partner in the Virtual Human Platform for Safety which aims to accelerate the transition from animal-based testing to human-based safety assessment by developing, populating, and maintaining a digital NAM focused platform
Accelerating regulatory acceptance of NGRA frameworks through building scientific consensus and industry acceptance
Supporting science to accelerate regulatory uptake of non-animal approaches for chemical regulations in the EU
To support EU Industry in the development of chemical policy and regulation in the EU to better facilitate safe and sustainability by the design of chemicals without animal testing