Closed aerobic biodegradation kinetics test with activated sludge and low concentration chemical mixtures27 April 2023Heidi Birch, Alexandre Teixeira, Roger van Egmond, Philipp Mayer (2023) Chemosphere JournalDownload the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Next generation risk assessment of the anti-androgen flutamide including the contribution of its active metabolite hydroxyflutamide19 April 2023British Toxicology Society (BTS) Annual Congress 2023. Symposium 7: Confident PBK modelling in NGRA, presented by Tessa van Tongeren, Wageningen University & ResearchDownload the presentation (PDF 1.28 MB)
The journey towards confidence - ADME characterizations and development of a human PBK model for making safety decisions: a case study of a UV filter benzophenone-419 April 2023British Toxicology Society (BTS) Annual Congress 2023. Symposium 7: Confident PBK modeling in NGRA, presented by Hequn LiDownload the presentation (PDF 1.13 MB)
The Journey Towards Confidence -- Bottom-Up PBK Modelling for Benzophenone 419 April 2023British Toxicology Society (BTS) Annual Congress 2023, presented by Hequn LiDownload the presentation (PDF 1.3 MB)
Overview of the International Consortium to Advance Cross Species Extrapolation in Regulation (ICACSER)19 April 2023British Toxicology Society, Birmingham, UK. Presented by Geoff HodgesDownload the presentation (PDF 2.63 MB)
Are non-animal systemic safety assessments protective? A toolbox and evaluation strategy18 April 2023British Toxicology Society (BTS) Annual Congress 2023. Symposium 4: Application of in vitro methods for mechanistic understanding and decision making, presented by Alistair MiddletonDownload the Presentation (PDF 2.62 MB)
Investigating the short-term mode of action of microbial-based cleaning product17 April 20232023, Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Birmingham, Contributors: Akaihe Chidinma Lynda, Christopher Knight, Kerys Mullen, Aline Metris, Andrew McBain presented by Akaihe Chidinma LyndaDownload the poster (PDF 452.85 KB)
A next generation risk assessment (NGRA) case study for the bioactive food component sulforaphane17 April 2023British Toxicology Society (BTS) Annual Congress 2023. Presented by Adam WoodDownload the poster (PDF 875.74 KB)
Investigating the short-term mode of action of microbial-based cleaning product17 April 2023Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Birmingham, presented by Chidinma Akaihe, University of ManchesterDownload the poster (PDF 475.09 KB)
No Animal Testing29 March 2023Partner with Purpose 2023, LondonDownload the presentation (PDF 2.53 MB)
Applying a Next Generation Risk assessment (NGRA) Framework for skin sensitisation to inconsistent New Approach Methodology (NAM) information29 March 2023Society of toxicology, USA, contributors: S. Hoffmann, N. Gilmour, N. Alépée, P. Kern, E. van Vliet, D. Bury, M. Miyazawa, and H. Nishida, presetnted by Nicola GilmourDownload the poster (PDF 216.61 KB)
The Skin Allergy Risk Assessment-Integrated Chemical Environment (SARA-ICE) Model for UN GHS classification – an evaluation and application in case studies23 March 20232023 Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting (SOT 2023), Nashville, USA, presented by Georgia ReynoldsDownload the poster (PDF 1.26 MB)