Development of a Next-Generation Risk Assessment Framework Informed by Adverse Outcome Pathways23 March 2023Society of Toxicology (SOT) 62nd Annual Meeting 2023, Symposium Session: Refining Inhalation Risk Assessments by Integrating New Approach Methodologies, presented by Matthew DentDownload the presentation (PDF 3.06 MB)
Pathophysiology of Respiratory Sensitization: Use of Clinical Hallmarks Combined with Adverse Outcome Pathway to Inform the Development of New Approach Methodologies to Identify Chemical Respiratory Allergens21 March 2023Society of Toxicology (SOT) 62nd Annual Meeting 2023, Workshop Session: Developing Human-Relevant New Approach Methodologies to Measure Key Events in Pulmonary Adverse Outcomes: Focus on Chronic Endpoints, presented by Ramya RajagopalDownload the presentation (PDF 1.57 MB)
Weight-of-Evidence Analysis for the Development of a Reference List of Chemical Respiratory Sensitizers19 March 20232023 Annual Meeting Society of Toxicology (SOT 2023) Nashville, Tennessee presented by Ramya RajagopalDownload the poster (PDF 1.03 MB)
Structuring Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) in the presence and absence of a specific mechanism/relevant AOP19 March 2023Society of Toxicology (SOT) 62nd Annual Meeting 2023, Continuing Education PM08: Checking In on Adverse Outcome Pathways: Evolving Development, Evaluation, and Application, presented by Georgia ReynoldsDownload the presentation (PDF 2.75 MB)
Development of a Non-Animal Integrated Approach to Testing and Assessment for Acute Aquatic Toxicity Hazard for Classification and Labeling19 March 20232023, SOT 62nd Annual Meeting & ToxExpo, Nashville, Tennessee. Contributors: Donna S. Macmillan, Pravin Ambure, James Dawick, Nicolas Fabre, Geoff Hodges, Sophie Loisel-Joubert, Eva Serrano-Candelas, Blanca Serrano Ramon, Claudia Rivetti, Ricky A. StackhouseDownload the poster (PDF 1.45 MB)
The role of AOPs in NGRA for inhalation effects19 March 2023Society of Toxicology (SOT), Nashville presented by Matt DentDownload the presentation (PDF 3.06 MB)
Establishing a NexGen, mechanism‐based environmental risk assessment paradigm shift: Are we ready yet?15 March 2023Claudia Rivetti & Bruno Campos (2023). Integrated Environmental Assessment & Management, 19(3).Download the publication
Making Safety Decisions for a Sunscreen Active Ingredient Using Next-Generation Risk Assessment: Benzophenone-4 Case Study9 March 2023Society of Toxicology (SOT), Nashville presented by Matt DentDownload the poster (PDF 2.37 MB)
Safer chemicals and sustainable innovation will be achieved by regulatory use of modern safety science, not by more animal testing1 March 2023Fentem J (2023) Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 51(2), 90-101Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Towards credible, evidence-based environmental rating ecolabels for consumer products: A proposed framework1 March 2023Courtat M, Joyce J, Sim S, Sadhukhan J, Murphy R (2023) Jouranl of Environmental Management 336, 117684Download the publication
Genes-to-Pathways Species Conservation Analysis (G2P-SCAN): enabling the exploration of conservation of biological pathways and processes across species1 March 2023Rivetti C, Houghton J, Basili D, Hodges G, Campos B (2023) Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol 42, 1152-66Download the publication
Measurement of Chemical Penetration and Distribution in Skin using Raman Imaging and Chemometrics22 February 2023contributors: Anukrati Goel, Ruth Pendlington, presented by Anukrati Goel.Download the presentation (PDF 955.78 KB)