An integrated approach for testing developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) end points for next generation risk assessment (NGRA)27 March 2022SOT 2022, San Diego, US. Presented by Paul CarmichaelDownload the poster (PDF 569.36 KB)
A high-throughput concentration-response modelling approach to estimate points of departure (PoDs) of pathway activity25 March 2022Danilo Basili, Joe Reynolds, Jade Houghton, Sophie Malcomber, Bryant Chambers, Mark Liddell, Iris Muller, Andrew White, Imran Shah, Logan J. Everett, Alistair Middleton and Andreas Bender (2022) Chemical Research in Toxicology, pages 670−683Download the publication
Latent Variables Capture Pathway-Level Points of Departure in High-Throughput Toxicogenomic Data25 March 2022Basili D, Reynolds J, Houghton J, Malcomber S, Chambers B, Liddell M, Muller I, White A, Shah I, Everett LJ, Middleton A, Bender A (2022) Chemical Research in Toxicology, 35(4), 670-683Download the publication
Initiating the International Consortium to Advance Cross-Species Extrapolation in Regulation 22 March 2022LaLone C, Hodges G (2022) SETAC Globe 23 Issue 3Download the publication
Considering Worker and Consumer Safety17 March 2022CTPA New Alternative Methods Workshop, London presented by Carl WestmorelandDownload the presentation (PDF 2.69 MB)
Industry Activities - Addressing the Challenges 17 March 2022CTPA New Approach Methodologies Workshop, London. Presented by Paul Russelldownload the presentation (PDF 2.38 MB)
Making sure that NAM-based safety assessments are protective17 March 2022CTPA New Alternative Methods Workshop, London, UKDownload the presentation (PDF 2.48 MB)
Cosmetics industry activities for NAMs acceptance17 March 2022CTPA New Alternative Methods Workshop, London, UKDownload the presentation (PDF 2.41 MB)
Considering Worker and Consumer Safety17 March 2022CTPA New Alternative Methods Workshop, London, UKDownload the presentation (PDF 2.7 MB)
Beyond AOPs: A Mechanistic Evaluation of NAMs in DART Testing7 March 2022Rajagopal R, Baltazar MT, Carmichael PL, Dent MP, Head J, Li H, Muller I, Reynolds J, Sadh K, Simpson W, Spriggs S, White A, Kukic P (2022) Beyond AOPs: A Mechanistic Evaluation of NAMs in DART Testing. Frontiers in Toxicology, 4, 838466Download the publication
A 10-step framework for use of read-across (RAX) in next generation risk assessment (NGRA) for cosmetics safety assessment1 March 2022Alexander-White C, Bury D, Cronin M, Dent M, Hack E, Hewitt NJ, Kenna G, Naciff J, Ouedraogo G, Schepky A, Mahony C (2022) Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 129, 105094Download the publication
The ICCR principles for cosmetic safety assessment: next generation risk assessment & case studies22 February 2022Cosmetics Technology Summit 2022, Shanghai, ChinaDownload the presentation (PDF 4.65 MB)