Clinical AOPs: Mapping Key Events to Diagnostic Test Information22 February 2022SAAOP’s Community of Practice Symposium, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 630.82 KB)
In silico Models for Hepatotoxicity21 February 2022Katarzyna Przybylak, Claire Ellison, Mark Hewitt, (2022), In Silico Methods for Predicting Drug Toxicity Pages 355-392Download the publication
The influence of company sourcing patterns on the adoption and effectiveness of zero-deforestation commitments in Brazil’s soy supply chain1 February 2022Leijten F, dos Reis TNP, Sim S, Verburg PH, Meyfroidt P (2022). The influence of company sourcing patterns on the adoption and effectiveness of zero-deforestation commitments in Brazil’s soy supply chain. Environmental Science & Policy, 128:208-215.Download the publication
Functional measures as potential indicators of down-the-drain chemical stress in freshwater ecological risk assessment23 December 2021Harrison LJ, Pearson KA, Wheatley CJ, Hill JK, Maltby L, Rivetti C, Spiers L, White PCL (2022) Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 18 (5), 1135-47Download the publication
Biodegradation Kinetics of Fragrances, Plasticizers, UV Filters, and PAHs in a Mixture─Changing Test Concentrations over 5 Orders of Magnitude22 December 2021Birch H, Sjøholm KK, Dechesne A, Sparham C, van Egmond R, Mayer P (2022) Environmental Science & Technology 56 (1), 293-301Download the publication
Using case studies to increase confidence in Next Generation Risk Assessment12 December 2021Fourth Annual Conference of Society of Alternatives to Animal Experiments – India (SAAE-I), Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 4.25 MB)
Shifting the regulatory paradigm for ensuring the safety of chemicals to enable the use of modern animal-free safety science and uphold the requirement for ‘animal testing as a last resort’7 December 2021Royal Society of Biology Animal Science Workshop, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 4.26 MB)
International Consortium to Advance Cross-Species Extrapolation of the Effects of Chemicals in Regulatory Toxicology1 December 2021Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2021, Carlie A. LaLone, Niladri Basu, Patience Browne, Stephen W. Edwards, Michelle Embry, Fiona Sewell, Geoff HodgesDownload the publication
A hypothetical skin sensitisation next generation risk assessment for coumarin in cosmetic products1 December 2021Reynolds G, Reynolds J, Gilmour N, Cubberley R, Spriggs S, Aptula A, Przybylak K, Windebank S, Maxwell G, Baltazar MT (2021) A hypothetical skin sensitisation next generation risk assessment for coumarin in cosmetic products. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 127, 105075Download the publication
An in vitro biofilm model system to facilitate study of microbial communities of the human oral cavity26 November 2021An S-Q, Hull R, Metris A, Barrett P, Webb JS, Stoodley P (2022) An in vitro biofilm model system to facilitate study of microbial communities of the human oral cavity. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 74(3), 302-310Download the publication
Engaging Citizens with the EU & UK Cosmetics Testing Bans – Again: Safety Scientists Speaking Up to Suggest Solutions25 November 2021Lush Prize Conference, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 2.46 MB)
Developing functional extrapolation approaches across species to inform ERA18 November 2021SETAC North America, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 1.69 MB)