Mechanistically driven identification of novel structural alerts for mitochondrial toxicity31 August 2021Charles Gong, Katarzyna R. Przybylak, Jonathan M. Goodman (2021) Computational Toxicology Pages 100183Download the publication
Upholding the EU’s Commitment to ‘Animal Testing as a Last Resort’ Under REACH Requires a Paradigm Shift in How We Assess Chemical Safety to Close the Gap Between Regulatory Testing and Modern Safety Science30 August 2021Fentem J, Malcomber I, Maxwell G, Westmoreland C (2021) Upholding the EU’s Commitment to ‘Animal Testing as a Last Resort’ Under REACH Requires a Paradigm Shift in How We Assess Chemical Safety to Close the Gap Between Regulatory Testing and Modern Safety Science. ATLA, 49(4),...Download the publication
Upholding the EU’s commitment to “animal testing as a last resort” under REACH requires a paradigm shift in how we assess chemical safety to close the gap between regulatory testing and modern safety science30 August 2021Julia Fentem, Ian Malcomber,Gavin Maxwell, Carl Westmoreland (2021) Alternatives to Laboratory Animals Journal Volume 49, Issue 4, 122-132Download the publication
Next generation risk assessment (NGRA): Bridging in vitro points-of-departure to human safety assessment using physiologically-based kinetic (PBK) modelling – A case study of doxorubicin with dose metrics considerations1 August 2021Li H, Yuan H, Middleton A, Li J, Nicol B, Carmichael PL, Guo J, Peng S, Zhang Q (2021) Next generation risk assessment (NGRA): Bridging in vitro points-of-departure to human safety assessment using physiologically-based kinetic (PBK) modelling – A case study of doxorubicin with...Download the publication
Screening the baseline fish bioconcentration factor of various types of surfactants using phospholipid binding data.1 August 2021Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 202, Steven T. J. Droge,Peter Scherpenisse Jon A. Arnot, James M. Armitage, Michael S. McLachlan, Peter C. von der Ohef and Geoff HodgesDownload the publication
Identifying regional drivers of future land-based biodiversity footprints1 July 2021Marquardt S, Doelman JC, Daioglou V, Tabeau A, Shipper AM, Sim S, Kulak M, Steinmann ZJN, Stehfest E, Wilting HC, Huijbregts MAJ (2021). Identifying regional drivers of future land-based biodiversity footprints. Global Environmental Change, 69:102304.Download the publication
The Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) is a pragmatic tool for the safety assessment: Case studies of cosmetic ingredients with low consumer exposure1 July 2021Bury D, Head J, Keller D, Klaric M, Rose J (2021) The Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) is a pragmatic tool for the safety assessment: Case studies of cosmetic ingredients with low consumer exposure. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 123, 104964Download the publication
Next Generation Risk Assessment: An Industry Perspective16 June 2021RISK-HUNT3R Online Kick-off Meeting, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 2.68 MB) (Opens in a pop-up window )
Assessing and Improving Confidence in a Novel Scheme to Group Chemicals for Ecotoxicological Endpoints11 June 202119th International Workshop on (Q)SAR in Environmental and Health Sciences, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 426.46 KB) (Opens in a pop-up window )
Mechanistically-driven identification of novel structural alerts for mitochondrial toxicity11 June 202119th International Workshop on (Q)SAR in Environmental and Health Sciences, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 658.12 KB) (Opens in a pop-up window )
International Developments and Collaborations on New Approach Methods (NAMs) for Consumer Safety of Cosmetics5 June 2021China International Cooperation Summit on Cosmetics, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 4.89 MB) (Opens in a pop-up window )
Effective exposure of chemicals in in vitro cell systems: A review of chemical distribution models1 June 2021Proença S, Escher BI, Fischer FC, Fisher C, Grégoire S, Hewitt NJ, Nicol B, Paini A, Kramer NI (2021) Effective exposure of chemicals in in vitro cell systems: A review of chemical distribution models. Toxicology in Vitro, 73, 105133Download the publication