Assuring safety without the use of animals - History of Safe Use16 October 2020Principles of Cosmetic Safety Assessment Using Alternatives to Animal Testing (organised by CTPA and XCellR8), Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 2.04 MB) (Opens in a pop-up window )
Drivers of Variability in Greenhouse Gas Footprints of Crop Production13 October 2020LCA Food 2020Download the poster (PDF 726.86 KB)
The Alginate Immobilization of Metabolic Enzymes Platform Retrofits an Estrogen Receptor Transactivation Assay With Metabolic Competence29 September 2020Deisenroth C, DeGroot DE, Zurlinden T, Eicher A, McCord J, Lee MY, Carmichael P, Thomas RS (2020) The Alginate Immobilization of Metabolic Enzymes Platform Retrofits an Estrogen Receptor Transactivation Assay With Metabolic Competence. Toxicological Sciences, 178(2), 281–301Download the publication
Comparison of passive-dosed and solvent spiked exposures of pro-carcinogen, benzo[a]pyrene, to human lymphoblastoid cell line, MCL-51 September 2020Chapman FM, Sparham C, Hastie C, Sanders DJ, van Egmond R, Chapman KE, Doak SH, Scott AD, Jenkins GJS (2020) Comparison of passive-dosed and solvent spiked exposures of pro-carcinogen, benzo[a]pyrene, to human lymphoblastoid cell line, MCL-5. Toxicology in Vitro, 67, 104905Download the publication
Non-Animal Approaches to Cosmetic Safety Assessments and Applications27 August 2020Personal and Home Care Ingredients Conference (PCHi 2020) in China, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 4.59 MB) (Opens in a pop-up window )
Implementation of NAMs in a Next Generation Risk Assessment21 August 2020Applying New Approach Methodologies to Risk Assessment: Consideration of Exposure and Compensatory Mechanisms, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 2.84 MB)
Potential impact of chemical stress on freshwater invertebrates: A sensitivity assessment on continental and national scale based on distribution patterns, biological traits, and relatedness20 August 2020van den Berg SJP, Rendal C, Focks A, Butler E, Peeters ETHM, De Laender F, van den Brink PJ (2020) Potential impact of chemical stress on freshwater invertebrates: A sensitivity assessment on continental and national scale based on distribution patterns, biological traits, and...Download the publication
Conservation set-asides improve carbon storage and support associated plant diversity in certified sustainable oil palm plantations1 August 2020Fleiss S, Waddell EH, Bala Ola B, Banin LF, Benedick S, Bin Sailim A, Chapman DS, Jelling A, King H, McClean CJ, Loong Yeong K, Hill JK (2020). Conservation set-asides improve carbon storage and support associated plant diversity in certified sustainable oil palm plantations....Download the publication
Key Opportunities to Replace, Reduce, and Refine Regulatory Fish Acute Toxicity Tests18 July 2020Burden N, Benstead R, Benyon K, Clook M, Green C, Handley J, Harper N, Maynard SK, Mead C, Pearson A, Ryder K, Sheahan D, van Egmond R, Wheeler JR, Hutchinson TH (2020) Key Opportunities to Replace, Reduce, and Refine Regulatory Fish Acute Toxicity Tests. Environmental...Download the publication
Review of life-cycle based methods for absolute environmental sustainability assessment and their applications15 July 2020Bjorn A, Chandrakumar C, Boulay A-B, Doka G, Fang K, Gondran N et al (2020). Review of life-cycle based methods for absolute environmental sustainability assessment and their applications. Environmental Research Letters, 15: 083001.Download the publication
Closing yield gap is crucial to avoid potential surge in global carbon emissions1 July 2020Suh S, Johnson JA, Tambjerg L, Sim S, Broeckx-Smith S, Reyes W, Chaplin-Kramer R (2020). Closing yield gap is crucial to avoid potential surge in global carbon emissions. Global Environmental Change, 63: 102100.Download the publication
Integration of in vitro data from three dimensionally cultured HepaRG cells and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling for assessment of acetaminophen hepatotoxicity1 July 2020Zhang C, Zhang Q, Li J, Yu L, Li F, Li W, Li Y, Peng H, Zhao J, Carmichael PL, Wang Y, Peng S, Guo J (2020) Integration of in vitro data from three dimensionally cultured HepaRG cells and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling for assessment of acetaminophen...Download the publication