Working Together to Replace Animal Testing for Assessing the Safety of Consumer Products – pioneering change, building confidence & next steps22 November 201960 Years of the 3Rs: Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead, Baltimore, USADownload the presentation (PDF 3.75 MB) (Opens in a pop-up window )
Life Cycle Assessment of Three Safe Drinking-Water Options in India: Boiled Water, Bottled Water, and Water Purified with a Domestic Reverse-Osmosis Device7 November 2019Garcia-Suarez T, Kulak M, King H, Chatterton J, Gupta A, Saksena S (2019) Sustainability, 11(22), 6233.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Finding synergies for the 3Rs – Repeated Dose Toxicity testing: Report from an EPAA Partners’ Forum1 November 2019Laroche C, Annys E, Bender H, Botelho D, Botham P, Brendler-Schwaab S, Clayton R, Corvaro M, Dal Negro G, Delannois F, Dent M, Desaintes C, Desprez B, Dhalluin S, Hartmann A, Hoffmann-Doerr S, Hubesch B, Irizar A, Manou I, Müller BP, Nadzialek S, Prieto P, Rasenberg M, Roggeband...Download the publication
Sorbent-modified biodegradation studies of the biocidal cationic surfactant cetylpyridinium chloride30 October 2019Timmer N, Gore D, Sanders D, Gouin T, Droge STJ (2019) Sorbent-modified biodegradation studies of the biocidal cationic surfactant cetylpyridinium chloride. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 182 109417Download the publication
Working together as Industry & Regulatory Communities to make Safety Decisions without Animal Testing29 October 2019EPAA Annual Conference Building Confidence for the use of 3Rs, Brussels, BelgiumDownload the presentation (PDF 2.27 MB)
A regression-based model to predict chemical migration from packaging to food22 October 2019Douziech M, Benitez-Lopez A, Ernestoff A, Askham C, Hendriks AJ, King H, Huijbregts MAJ (2019). A regression-based model to predict chemical migration from packaging to food. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.Download the publication
Greenhouse gas footprints of palm oil production in Indonesia over space and time20 October 2019Lam WY, Kulak M, Sim S, King H, Huijbregts MAJ, Chaplin-Kramer R (2019). Greenhouse gas footprints of palm oil production in Indonesia over space and time. Science of the Total Environment, 688: 827-837.Download the publication
A human-derived prostate co-culture microtissue model using epithelial (RWPE-1) and stromal (WPMY-1) cell lines1 October 2019Dent MP, Madnick SJ, Hall S, Vantangoli Policelli M, Bars C, Li H, Amin A, Carmichael PL, Martin FL, Boekelheide K (2019) A human-derived prostate co-culture microtissue model using epithelial (RWPE-1) and stromal (WPMY-1) cell lines. Toxicology In Vitro, 60 203-211Download the publication
Quantitative Predictions for Molecular Initiating Events Using Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships13 September 2019Allen TEH, Goodman JM, Gutsell S, Russell PJ (2020) Quantitative Predictions for Molecular Initiating Events Using Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 33(2), 324-332Download the publication
Mathematical modelling of a liver hollow fibre bioreactor21 August 2019Sorrell I, Shipley RJ, Regan S, Gardner I, Storm MP, Ellis M, Ward J, Williams D, Mistry P, Salazar JD, Scott A, Webb S (2019) Mathematical modelling of a liver hollow fibre bioreactor. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 475 25-33Download the publication
Testing the benefits of conservation set‐asides for improved habitat connectivity in tropical agricultural landscapes19 August 2019Scriven SA, Karlson KM, Hodgson JA, McClean CJ, Heilmayr R, Lucey JM, Hill JK (2019). Testing the benefits of conservation set‐asides for improved habitat connectivity in tropical agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56:2274–2285.Download the publication
Consumption-based biodiversity footprints – Do Different indicators yield different results?1 August 2019Marquardt SG, Guindon M, Wilting HC, Steinmann ZJN, Sim S, Kulak M, Huijbregts MAJ (2019). Consumption-based biodiversity footprints – Do Different indicators yield different results? Ecological Indicators, 103: 461-470.Download the publication