Consumer Safety Considerations of Skin and Oral Microbiome Perturbation31 July 2019McBain AJ, O’Neill CA, Amezquita A, Price LJ, Faust K, Tett A, Segata N, Swann JR, Smith AM, Murphy B, Hoptroff M, James G, Reddy Y, Dasgupta A, Ross T, Chapple IL, Wade WG, Fernandez-Piquer J (2019) Consumer Safety Considerations of Skin and Oral Microbiome Perturbation....Download the publication
Towards a surrogate system to express human lipid binding TCRs26 July 2019Wang R, Pscheid R, Ghumra A, Kan LYL, Cochrane S, Fairclough L, Alcocer MJC (2019) Towards a surrogate system to express human lipid binding TCRs. Biotechnology Letters, 41(10) 1095-1104Download the publication
Characterizing the coverage of critical effects relevant in the safety evaluation of food additives by AOPs29 June 2019Kramer NI, Hoffmans Y, Wu S, Thiel A, Thatcher N, Allen TEH, Levorato S, Traussnig H, Schulte S, Boobis A, Rietjens IMCM, Vinken M (2019) Characterizing the coverage of critical effects relevant in the safety evaluation of food additives by AOPs. Archives of ToxicologyDownload the publication
Not all Pseudomonas aeruginosa are equal: strains from industrial sources possess uniquely large multireplicon genomes6 June 2019Weiser R, Green AE, Bull MJ, Cunningham-Oakes E, Jolley KA, Maiden MCJ, Hall AJ, Winstanley C, Weightman AJ, Donoghue D, Amezquita A, Connor TR, Mahenthiralingam E (2019) Not all Pseudomonas aeruginosa are equal: strains from industrial sources possess uniquely large...Download the publication
Novel approaches to derive points of departure for food chemical risk assessment1 June 2019Levorato S, Rietjens IMCM, Carmichael PL, Hepburn, PA (2019) Novel approaches to derive points of departure for food chemical risk assessment. Current Opinion in Food Science, 24 1-6Download the publication
IL7 receptor signaling in T cells: A mathematical modeling perspective28 May 2019Park JH, Waickman AT, Reynolds J, Castro M, Molina-París C (2019) IL7 receptor signaling in T cells: A mathematical modeling perspective. WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine, 11(5) e1447Download the publication
Building and Applying Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathway Models for Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment25 May 2019Perkins EJ, Ashauer R, Burgoon L, Conolly R, Landesmann B, Mackay C, Murphy CA, Pollesch N, Wheeler JR, Zupanic A, Scholz S (2019) Building and Applying Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathway Models for Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,...Download the publication
Hollow-fiber membrane technology: Characterization and proposed use as a mimic of skin vascularization towards the development of a novel skin absorption in vitro model15 May 2019Esteban PP, Pickles J, Scott AD, Ellis MJ (2019). Hollow-fiber membrane technology: Characterization and proposed use as a mimic of skin vascularization towards the development of a novel skin absorption in vitro model. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 145 90-97Download the publication
Toxicity mitigation and bioaccessibility of the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide in a sorbent-modified biodegradation study1 May 2019Timmer N, Gore D, Sanders D, Gouin T, Droge STJ (2019). Toxicity mitigation and bioaccessibility of the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide in a sorbent-modified biodegradation study. Chemosphere, 222 461-468Download the publication
Influence of in Vitro Assay Setup on the Apparent Cytotoxic Potency of Benzalkonium Chlorides23 April 2019Groothuis FA, Timmer N, Opsahl E, Nicol B, Droge STJ, Blaauboer BJ, Kramer NI (2019) Influence of in Vitro Assay Setup on the Apparent Cytotoxic Potency of Benzalkonium Chlorides. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 32(6) 1103-1114Download the publication
Modeling the Sensitivity of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates to Chemicals Using Traits22 April 2019Van den Berg SJP, Baveco H, Butler E, De Laender F, Focks A, Franco A, Rendal C, Van den Brink PJ (2019) Modeling the Sensitivity of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates to Chemicals Using Traits. Environmental Science and Technology, 53(10) 6025-6034Download the publication
Improved Algal Toxicity Test System for Robust Omics-Driven Mode-of-Action Discovery in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii12 April 2019Schade S, Butler E, Gutsell S, Hodges G, Colbourne JK, Viant MR (2019) Improved Algal Toxicity Test System for Robust Omics-Driven Mode-of-Action Discovery in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Metabolites, 9(5) 94 1-22Download the publication