Quantifying drivers of variability in life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of consumer products. A case study on laundry washing in Europe22 December 2017Shahmohammadi MS, Steinmann Z, Clavreul J, Hendrickx H, King H, Huijbregts MAJ (2018) The International Journal of Life Cycle AssessmentDownload the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Determination of Protein Haptenation by Chemical Sensitizers within the Complexity of the Human Skin Proteome15 December 2017Parkinson E, Aleksic M, Cubberley R, Gushinder K-A, Johannes V, Skipp P (2018). Determination of Protein Haptenation by Chemical Sensitizers within the Complexity of the Human Skin Proteome. Toxicological Sciences, 162(2), 429-438Download the publication
Variability of Greenhouse Gas Footprints of Field Tomatoes Grown for Processing: Interyear and Intercountry Assessment1 December 2017Lam WY, van Zelm R, Benítez-López A, Kulak M, Sim S, King JMH, Huijbregts MAJ (2018) Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 135-44.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Application of a spatially resolved model to contextualise monitoring data for risk assessment of down-the-drain chemicals over large scales1 November 2017Kilgallon J, Franco A, Price OR, Hodges JEN (2017). Application of a spatially resolved model to contextualise monitoring data for risk assessment of down-the-drain chemicals over large scales. Environmental Pollution, 230, 954-962Download the publication
Ab initio chemical safety assessment: A workflow based on exposure considerations and non-animal methods1 November 2017Berggren E, White A, Ouedraogo G, Paini A, Richarz A, Bois F, Exner T, Leite S, van Grunsven L, Worth A, Mahony C (2017). Ab initio chemical safety assessment: A workflow based on exposure considerations and non-animal methods. Computational Toxicology, 4, 31-44Download the publication
Quantitative Characterization of the T Cell Receptor Repertoire of Naïve and Memory Subsets Using an Integrated Experimental and Computational Pipeline Which Is Robust, Economical, and Versatile12 October 2017Oakes T, Heather JM, Best K, Byng-Maddick R, Husovsky C, Ismail M, Joshi K, Maxwell G, Noursadeghi M, Riddell N, Ruehl T, Turner CT, Uddin I, Chain B (2017). Quantitative Characterization of the T Cell Receptor Repertoire of Naïve and Memory Subsets Using an Integrated...Download the publication
An Adverse Outcome Pathway for Sensitization of the Respiratory Tract by Low-Molecular-Weight Chemicals: Building Evidence to Support the Utility of In Vitro and In Silico Methods in a Regulatory Context1 September 2017Sullivan KM, Enoch SJ, Ezendam J, Sewald K, Roggen EL, Cochrane S (2017). An Adverse Outcome Pathway for Sensitization of the Respiratory Tract by Low-Molecular-Weight Chemicals: Building Evidence to Support the Utility of In Vitro and In Silico Methods in a Regulatory Context....Download the publication
Intra- and inter-year variability of agricultural carbon footprints – A case study on field-grown tomatoes1 August 2017Clavreul J, Butnar I, Rubio V, King H (2017) Journal of Cleaner Production, 158, 156-164.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Rising to the challenge: applying biofabrication approaches for better drug and chemical product development19 July 2017Holmes AM, Charlton A, Derby B, Ewart L, Scott A, Shu W (2017). Rising to the challenge: applying biofabrication approaches for better drug and chemical product development. Biofabrication, 19, 9(3)Download the publication
Development of a two – dimensional model for predicting transdermal permeation with the follicular pathway: Demonstration with a caffeine study28 June 2017Kattou P, Lian G, Glavin S, Sorrell I, Chen T (2017). Development of a two – dimensional model for predicting transdermal permeation with the follicular pathway: Demonstration with a caffeine study. Pharmaceutical research, 34, 10, 2036-2048Download the publication
Technology choices in scaling up sanitation can significantly affect greenhouse gas emissions and the fertiliser gap in India22 June 2017Kulak M, Shah N, Sawant N, Unger N, King H (2017) Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 466-476. Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Erythropoietin activates SIRT1 to protect human cardiomyocytes against doxorubicin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and toxicity5 June 2017Cui L, Guo J, Zhang Q, Yin J, Li J, Zhou W, Zhang T, Yuan H, Zhao J, Zhang L, Carmichael PL, Peng S (2017). Erythropoietin activates SIRT1 to protect human cardiomyocytes against doxorubicin-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and toxicity. Toxicity Letters, 275, 28-38.Download the publication