A new approach to modeling the sediment retention service (InVEST 3.0): Case study of the Cape Fear catchment, North Carolina, USA15 August 2015Hamel P, Chaplin-Kramer P, Sim S, Mueller C (2015) Science of the Total Environment, 524-525, 166-177.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
It is time to develop ecological threshold of toxicological concern to assist environmental hazard assessment25 June 2015Belanger SE, Sanderson H, Embry MR, Coady K, DeZwart D, Farr BA, Gutsell S, Halder M, Sternberg R, Wilson P (2015). It is time to develop ecological threshold of toxicological concern to assist environmental hazard assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34, 2864-69Download the publication
Spatial patterns of agricultural expansion determine impacts on biodiversity and carbon storage15 June 2015Chaplin-Kramer R, Sharp RP, Mandle L, Sim S, Johnson J, Butnar I, Milà i Canals L, Eichelberger BA, Ramler I, Mueller C, McLachlan N, Yousefi A, King H, Kareiva PM (2015) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , 112(24), 7402-07.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Implementing Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century (TT21C): making safety decisions using toxicity pathways, and progress in a prototype risk assessment5 June 2015Adeleye Y, Andersen M, Clewell R, Davies M, Dent M, Edwards S, Fowler P, Malcomber S, Nicol B, Scott A, Scott S, Sun B, Westmoreland C, White A, Zhang Q, Carmichael PL (2014). Implementing Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century (TT21C): making safety decisions using toxicity...Download the publication
Dose metric considerations for in vitro assays to improve quantitative in vitro–in vivo dose extrapolations5 June 2015Groothuis FA, Heringa MB, Nicol B, Hermens JL, Blaauboer BJ, Kramer NI (2014). Dose metric considerations for in vitro assays to improve quantitative in vitro–in vivo dose extrapolations. Toxicology, 332, 30-40Download the publication
Analysis of water use impact assessment methods (part B): applicability for waterfootprintingand decision making with a laundry case study4 March 2015Boulay A-M, Bayart J-B, Bulle C, Franceschini H, Motoshita M, Muñoz I, Pfister S, Margni M (2015). Analysis of water use impact assessment methods (part B): applicability for water footprinting and decision making with a laundry case study. International Journal of Life Cycle...Download the publication
Food web modelling of a river ecosystem for risk assessment of down-the-drain chemicals: A case study with AQUATOX1 March 2015Lombardo A, Franco A, Pivato A, Barausse A (2015). Food web modelling of a river ecosystem for risk assessment of down-the-drain chemicals: A case study with AQUATOX, Science of the Total Environment, 508, 214-27Download the publication
Contact Allergy to Capryloyl Salicylic Acid: A Mechanistic Chemistry and Structure-Activity Perspective27 February 2015Roberts DW, Aptula AO (2015). Contact Allergy to Capryloyl Salicylic Acid: A Mechanistic Chemistry and Structure-Activity Perspective. Contact Dermatitis, 72, 347-51Download the publication
Stem cell derived systems in toxicology assessment12 February 2015Suter-Dick L, Alves PM, Blaauboer BJ, Bremm KD, Brito C, Coecke S, Flick B, Fowler P, Hescheler J, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Jennings P, Kelm JM, Manou I, Mistry P, Moretto A, Roth A, Stedman D, van de Water B, Beilmann M (2015). Stem cell derived systems in toxicology assessment....Download the publication
The SEURAT-1 approach towards animal free human safety assessment1 February 2015Gotch T, Berggren E, Ahr HJ, Cotgreave I, Cronin MT, Daston G, Hardy B, Heinzle E, Hescheler J, Knight DJ, Mahony C, Peschanski M, Schwarz M, Thomas RS, Verfaillie C, White A, Whelan M (2015) The SEURAT-1 approach towards animal free human safety assessment. ALTEX, 32, 9-24Download the publication
Linking algal growth inhibition to chemical activity: Baseline toxicity required 1% of saturation1 February 2015Schmidt SN, Mayer P (2015) Linking algal growth inhibition to chemical activity: Baseline toxicity required 1% of saturation. Chemosphere, 120, 305-308Download the publication
Systematic evaluation of non-animal test methods for skin sensitisation safety assessment1 February 2015Reisinger K, Hoffmann S, Alépée, N, Ashikaga T, Barroso J, Elcombe C, Gellatly N, Galbiati V, Gibbs S, Groux H, Hibatallah J, Keller D, Kern P, Klaric M, Kolle S, Kuehnl J, Lambrechts N, Lindstedt M, Millet M, Martinozzi-Teissier S, Natsch A, Petersohn D, Pike I, Sakaguchi H,...Download the publication