Refinement of biodegradation tests methodologies and the proposed utility of new microbial ecology techniques1 January 2015Kowalczyk A, Martin TJ, Price OR, Snape JR, van Egmond RA, Finnegan CJ, Schäfer H, Davenport RJ, Bending GD (2015). Refinement of biodegradation tests methodologies and the proposed utility of new microbial ecology techniques. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Science, 111, 9-22Download the publication
Thelymphocyte transformation test in allergic contact dermatitis: New Opportunities17 December 2014Popples A, Williams J, Maxwell G, Gellatly N, Dearman RJ, Kimber I (2015). The lymphocyte transformation test in allergic contact dermatitis: New Opportunities. Journal of Immunotoxicology 1-8Download the publication
Pathway-Based Toxicity: History, Current Approaches and Liver Fibrosis and Steatosis as Prototypes1 November 2014Willett C, Caverly Rae J, Goyak KO, Landesmann B, Minsavage G, Westmoreland C (2014). Pathway-Based Toxicity: History, Current Approaches and Liver Fibrosis and Steatosis as Prototypes, ALTEX, 31(4), 407-21Download the publication
Defining molecular initiating events in the adverse outcome pathway framework for risk assessment29 October 2014Allen TE, Goodman J, Gutsell S, Russell PJ (2014). Defining molecular initiating events in the adverse outcome pathway framework for risk assessment. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 27(12), 2100-12Download the publication
Analysis of water use impact assessment methods (part A): evaluation ofmodelingchoices based on a quantitative comparison of scarcity and human health indicators20 October 2014Boulay A-M, Motoshita M, Pfister S, Bulle C, Muñoz I, Franceschini H, Margni M (2015) International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 20, 139-60.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Challenges of Scale and Specificity in Greenhouse Gas Calculators1 October 2014Clift R, Keller E, King H, Lee J, Milà i Canals L (2014) Conference Paper: Challenges of Scale and Specificity in Greenhouse Gas CalculatorsDownload the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Stable Isotope Labelling Method for the Investigation of Protein Haptenation by Electrophilic Skin Sensitisers21 August 2014Parkinson E, Boyd P, Aleksic M, Cubberley R, O’Connor, Skipp P (2014). Stable Isotope Labelling Method for the Investigation of Protein Haptenation by Electrophilic Skin Sensitisers. Toxicological Sciences, 142(1), 239-49Download the publication
Profiling dose-dependent activation of p53-mediated signaling pathways by chemicals with distinct mechanisms of DNA damage30 July 2014Clewell RA, Sun B, Adeleye Y, Carmichael P, Efremenko A, McMullen PD, Pendse S, Trask OJ, White A, Andersen ME (2014). Profiling dose-dependent activation of p53-mediated signaling pathways by chemicals with distinct mechanisms of DNA damage. Toxicological Sciences, 142(1), 56-73Download the publication
Global guidance on environmental life cycle impact assessment indicators: findings of the scoping phase17 June 2014Jolliet O, Frischknecht R, Bare J, Boulay A-M, Bulle C, Fantke P, Gheewala S, Hauschild M, Itsubo N, Margni M, McKone TE, Mila y Canals L, Postuma L, Prado-Lopez V, Ridoutt B, Sonnemann G, Rosenbaum RK, Seager T, Struijs J, Zelm RV, Vigon B, Weisbrod A (2014) International...Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Footprinting farms: a comparison of three GHG calculators17 June 2014Keller E, Chin M, Chorkulak V, Clift R, Faber Y, Lee J, King H, Milà i Canals L, Stabile M, Stickler C, Viart N (2014) GHG Measurement and Management, 3, 90-123.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Pilot application of PalmGHG, the RSPO greenhouse gas calculator for oil palm products15 June 2014Bessou C, Chase LDC, Henson IE, Abdul-Manan AFN, Milà i Canals L, Agus F, Sharma M, Chin M (2013) Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-10.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Chemical safety without animals9 June 2014Westmoreland C, Carmichael PL (2014). Chemical safety without animals. Nature Biotechnology, 32, 541-543Download the publication