12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences
The 12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC12) will take place in Niagara Falls, Canada on 27th -31st August 2023. World Congress events are held every two or three years and bring together all stakeholders to advance the replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use in the life sciences. Unilever’s involvement in WC12 will include hosting a booth, sponsoring the #UseScienceNotAnimals World Café, and presenting many aspects of our collaborative research through oral and poster presentations.

Monday 28th August 2023
- 09.00-10.30 Session S455: Progress in Quantifying Adverse Outcome Pathways to Support Next Generation Risk Assessment. Chairs: Mark Cronin and Huan Yang
- #512 – The Roles of qAOPs in Exposure-Led NGRA: Benefits and Limitations. (PDF 2.46 MB) Alistair Middleton1, Andrew White1 (1Unilever)
- 11.00-12.30 Session S416: Replacement at the Forefront – Implementing Animal-Free Science Education. Chairs: Janneke Hogervorst and Daniela Salvatori
- #604 – Accelerating the Transition to Animal-Free Safety Assessment: what can we learn from the Cosmetics Animal Testing bans? (PDF 3.14 MB) Gavin Maxwell1, Julia Fentem1, Ian Malcomber1, Carl Westmoreland1 (1Unilever)
- 14.00-16.00 Session S400: Adversity Reinvented: Non-Animal Frameworks for Predictive & Protective Decision-Making. Chairs: Patience Browne and Donna MacMillan
- #381 – Tiered approaches for Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) of chemicals: Two case studies. (PDF 1.32 MB) Maria Teresa Baltazar1, Paul Carmichael1, Sarah Hatherell1, Predrag Kukic1, Sophie Malcomber1, Alistair Middleton1, Iris Müller1, Georgia Reynolds1, Liz Tulum1, Kathryn Wolton1, Adam Wood1. (1Unilever)
- 14.00-16.00 Session S450: New Approach Methods for Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Testing. Chairs: Lena Smirnova and Jessica Palmer
- #517 – Practical Application of New Approach Methods in Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity (DART) Testing. (PDF 1.84 MB) Iris Müller1, Paul Carmichael1, Matthew Dent1, Luke Flatt2, Jade Houghton1, Amer Jamalpoor2, Predrag Kukic1, Hequn Li1, Alistair Middleton1, Gopal Pawar1, Claire Peart1, Katarzyna Przybylak1, Magdalena Sawicka1, Sandrine Spriggs1, Ramya Rajagopal1, Katy Wilson1, Kathryn Wolton1. (1Unilever; 2Toxys)
Tuesday 29th August 2023
- 9.00-10.30 Session S411: A Decade of Progress: Lessons from Animal-Free Cosmetics Policy Worldwide. Chairs: Aviva Vetter and Erin Hill
- #602 – Dissemination of Science: Animal-Free Safety Assessment (AFSA) Education and Training modules. (PDF 2.32 MB) Gavin Maxwell1, Catherine Willett2. (1Unilever; 2Humane Society International (HSI))
- 11.00-12.30 Session S429: A World of 3R Centres: Unity in Diversity. Chairs: Hajime Kojima and Adrian Smith
- #679 – The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA): Accelerating the Transition to Animal-Free, Sustainable Innovation. (PDF 2.77 MB) Gavin Maxwell1,2, Charles Laroche2,3, Irene Manou2, Pascale Oosterbosch2,4, Dorota Przyludzka2,4, Zvonimir Zvonar2, Giacomo Mattino’2,4. (1Unilever; 2EPAA; 3AISE; 4DG GROW, European Commission)
- 17.30-19.30 #UseScienceNotAnimals World Café
- Welcome to the #UseScienceNotAnimals World Café where for one night only, we’re serving the world of Next-Gen Safety Science! So please come along, relax, & enjoy delicious vegan food, refreshing drinks, and the chance to meet & engage with our:
- Debaters & Science Slammers
- Education & training providers
- Tools & approach experts
- Safety Science Mentors
- Scavenger Hunt
- Sponsored by Unilever and organised in partnership with Humane Society International (HSI), Institute for In Vitro Science (IIVS), Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) & WC12 local organising committee.
- Welcome to the #UseScienceNotAnimals World Café where for one night only, we’re serving the world of Next-Gen Safety Science! So please come along, relax, & enjoy delicious vegan food, refreshing drinks, and the chance to meet & engage with our:

Download the World Cafe Map (PDF 499.07 KB)
Wednesday 30th August 2023
- 11.00-12.30 Session S410: NAMs in Practice: Fit-for-Purpose NGRA across sectors: Chairs: Anne Gourmelon and Maria Baltazar
- #361 – EPAA Project: Use of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in Regulatory decisions for Chemical Safety. (PDF 1.34 MB) Pilar Prieto1, Carl Westmoreland2, Catherine Mahony3, Gavin Maxwell2, Irene Manou4, Charles Laroche5 (1European Commission, Joint Research Centre; 2Unilever, SEAC; 3Procter and Gamble Technical Centre Ltd; 4EPAA Industry Secretariat; 5AISE)
- #700 – Development and Execution of an Occupational Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) on an Exclusive Use Cosmetic Ingredient under EU REACH: A Case Study on C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate. James Dawick1, Lauren Kavanagh1, Matthew Dent2. (1Innospec Ltd.; 2Unilever, SEAC)
- 11.00-12.30 Session S431 (Workshop): Industry, Regulators, and Human Health: Whose Onus to Defend Animal Data? Chairs: Harald Schlatter and Mike Wade.
- Panellists: Gavin Maxwell1 , Yadvinder Bhuller2, Nicole Kleinstreuer3, Troy Seidle4, Jean-Lou Dorne5, Agnes Karmaus6. (1Unilever, 2Health Canada, 3NICEATM, NIEHS/NIH, 4Humane Society International, 5European Food Safety Authority, 6Syngenta)
- 14.00-16.00 Session S404: Is it Good Enough? Establishing Scientific Confidence in New Approach Methods. Chairs: Anne Gourmelon and Anna van der Zalm
- #508 – Evaluating New Approach Methodologies for use in Next Generation Risk Assessment. (PDF 2.88 MB) Alistair Middleton, Unilever
Thursday 31st August 2023
- 09.00-10.30 Session 459: What’s New in Skin Sensitization? Chairs: Sebastian Hoffmann and Petra Kern
- #600 – The SARA-ICE Model for Predicting Skin Sensitizer Potency (PDF 1.46 MB). Gavin Maxwell1, Georgia Reynolds1, Joe Reynolds1, Nicola Gilmour1, Judy Strickland2, Emily N. Reinke2, Dori Germolec3, Jim Truax2, David G. Allen2, Nicole Kleinstreuer4. (1Unilever; 2Inotiv; 3NIH/NIEHS/DTT/STB/NICEATM; 4NIH, NIEHS, DTT, PTB, NICEATM)
Poster presentations:
- Poster Board Number B69, Abstract #281 – Combining in silico and in vitro tools for assessing inhalation hazard of sodium dodecyl sulphate aerosols. (PDF 1.41 MB) Sreyoshee Sengupta1, Hugh Barlow2, Maria Baltazar2, Jorid B. Sørli1. (1The National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark; 2Unilever, SEAC)
- Poster Board Number A7, Abstract #360 – An Exposure-led approach to Worker Safety Assessment of Sodium 2-Hydroxyethane Sulphonate using New Approach Methodologies. (PDF 938.21 KB) Carl Westmoreland1, Catherine Breffa2, Caroline Chaine3, Susann Fayyaz2, Fabian Grimm2, Steve Gutsell1, Reiko Kiwamoto4, MoungSook Lee2, Colin Smith5, Willemien Wieland5, Adam Wood1, Tristan Zellamann6. (1Unilever, SEAC; 2Clariant Produkte Deutschland GmbH; 3Vantage Speciality Chemicals; 4Unilever, Regulatory Affairs; 5Environmental Resources Management Limited; 6Vantage Leuna GmbH)