Land use diversification may mitigate on-site land use impacts on mammal populations and assemblages4 September 2023Koen J. J. Kuipers, Sarah Sim, Jelle P. Hilbers, Stefanie K. van den Berg, Melinda M. J. de Jonge, Krista Trendafilova, Mark A. J. Huijbregts, Aafke M. Schipper. (2023), Global Change Biology.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Combining in silico and in vitro tools for assessing inhalation hazard of sodium dodceyl sulphate exposure27 August 202312th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in Life Sciences, Niagra Falls, Canada. Presented by Sreyoshee Sengupta, The National Research Centre for the Working EnvironmentDownload the poster (PDF 962.13 KB)
NAMs for systemic toxicity13 July 2023ICCR symposium, Brasilia presented by Matt DentDownload the presentation (PDF 2.4 MB)
Sustainable Consumption and Production Conference 2023: Ecolabels presentation5 July 2023SCP Conference 2023, Wageningen, The Netherlands presented by Maëlys CourtatDownload the presentation (PDF 795.65 KB)
Longitudinal characterization of TK6 cells sequentially adapted to animal product-free, chemically defined culture medium: considerations for genotoxicity studies4 July 2023Perez-Diaz N, Hoffman E, Clements J, Cruickshank R, Doherty A, Ebner D, Elloway J, Fu J, Kelsall J, Millar V, Saib O, Scott A, Woods I, Hutter V. (2023 ). Frontiers in toxicology, 5.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
The application of advanced tools in Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) of cosmetics ingredients30 June 2023MPS World Summit, Berlin. Presented by Maria BaltazarDownload the poster (PDF 509.39 KB)
Safe and Sustainable by Design within Unilever: Application of Safe and Sustainable by Design Approaches for a Biosurfactant30 June 2023Report submitted to EU Commission in June 2023 during their consultation on Safe and Sustainable by Design framework development. Ian Malcomber, Sarah Sim, Florence Bohnes, David Mason, Gordon Riley, Clare Rodseth, Evita Vandenbossche-Goddard.Download the report (PDF 5.29 MB)
Application of a next generation risk assessment framework for skin sensitisation using new approach methodologies (NAMs)27 June 2023Brazilian cosmetic trade association ABIHPEC webinar: Métodos Alternativos ao Uso de Animais para Indústria de Higiene Pessoal, Perfumaria e Cosméticos webinar. Download the presentation (PDF 3.96 MB)
MPS in safety assessment for DART and endocrine disruption: an industry perspective26 June 2023MPS World Summit, Berlin. Presented by Iris MullerDownload the poster (PDF 464.04 KB)
Practical Application of New Approach Methods (NAMs) in Developmental Toxicity Testing24 June 2023Birth Defects Research and Prevention Annual Meeting, Charleston, USA presented by Kathryn WoltonDownload the presentation (PDF 2.62 MB)
Application of a next generation risk assessment framework for skin sensitisation using new approach methodologies (NAMs)23 June 2023ABIHPEC Webinar "Métodos Alternativos ao Uso de Animais para Indústria de Higiene Pessoal, Perfumaria e Cosméticos", virtual event. Presented by Renato de ÁvilaDownload the presentation (PDF 3.96 MB)
Characterising uncertainty in intrinsic clearance rates to support transparent and robust exposure assessment in Next Generation Risk Assessment18 June 2023Society of Risk Analysis Europe Conference, Lund, Sweden, presetnted by Dawei TangDownload the presentation (PDF 1.43 MB)