Contributions of DNA repair and damage response pathways to the non-linear genotoxic responses of alkylating agents1 March 2016Klapacz J, Pottenger LH, Engelward BP, Heinen CD, Johnson GE, Clewell RA, Carmichael PL, Adeleye Y, Andersen ME (2016). Contributions of DNA repair and damage response pathways to the non-linear genotoxic responses of alkylating agents. Mutation research / Reviews in Mutation...Download the publication
A PGC-1a-Mediated Transcriptional Network Maintains Mitochondrial Redox and Bioenergetic Homeostasis against Doxoribicin-Induced Toxicity in Human Cardio-Myocytes: Implementation of TT21C18 January 2016Yuan H, Zhang Q, Guo J, Zhang T, Zhao J, Li J, White A, Carmichael PL, Westmoreland C, Peng S (2016). A PGC-1a-Mediated Transcriptional Network Maintains Mitochondrial Redox and Bioenergetic Homeostasis against Doxoribicin-Induced Toxicity in Human Cardio-Myocytes:...Download the publication
Degradation in carbon stocks near tropical forest edges18 December 2015Chaplin-Kramer R, Ramler I, Sharp R, Haddad NM, Gerber JS, West PC, Mandle L, Engstrom P, Baccini A, Sim S, Mueller C, King H (2015) Nature Communications, 6, 10158.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
The Role of Science in Shaping Sustainable Business: Unilever Case Study11 December 2015Sim S, King H, Price E (2015) Taking Stock of Industrail Ecology, 291-302Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Chemical Safety Assessment Using Read-Across: Assessing the Use of Novel Testing Methods to Strenghten the Evidence Base for Decision Making1 December 2015Berggren E, Amcoff P, Benigni R, Blackburn K, Carney E, Cronin M, Deluyker H, Gautier F, Judson RS, Kass GE, Keller D, Knight D, Lilienblum W, Mahony C, Rusyn I, Schultz T, Schwarz M, Schüürmann G, White A, Burton J, Lostia AM, Munn S, Worth A (2015). Chemical Safety Assessment...Download the publication
Anti-hapten Antibodies in Response to Skin Sensitization11 November 2015Singleton H, Popple A, Gellatly N, Maxwell G, Williams J, Friedmann PS, Kimber I, Dearman RJ (2016). Anti-hapten Antibodies in Response to Skin Sensitization. Contact Dermatitis, 74, 4, 197,204Download the publication
Lessons from toxicology: Developing a 21st-Century Paradigm for Medical Research1 November 2015Langley G, Austin CP, Balapure AK, Birnbaum LS, Bucher JR, Fentem J, Fitzpatrick CS, Fowle JR, Kavlock RJ, Kitano H, Lidbury BA, Muotri AR, Peng S-Q, Sakharov D, Seidle T, Trez T, Tonevitsky A, van de Stolpe A, Whelan M, Willett C (2015). Lessons from toxicology: Developing a...Download the publication
Adverse Outcome Pathways for Regulatory Applications: examination of four case studies with different degrees of completeness and scientific confidence20 October 2015Perkins EJ , Antczak P, Burgoon L, Falciani F, Garcia-Reyero N, Gutsell S, Hodges G, Kienzler A, Knaper D, McBride M, Willett C (2015). Adverse Outcome Pathways for Regulatory Applications: examination of four case studies with different degrees of completeness and scientific...Download the publication
A compilation of life cycle studies for six household detergent product categories in Europe: the basis for product-specific A.I.S.E. Charter Advanced Sustainability Profiles5 October 2015Golsteijn L, Menkveld R, King H, Schneider C, Schowanek D, Nissen S (2015) Environmental Sciences Europe, 27(23).Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Towards a non-animal risk assessment for anti-androgenic effects in humans1 October 2015Dent MP, Carmichael PL, Jones KC, Martin FL (2015). Towards a non-animal risk assessment for anti-androgenic effects in humans. Environment International, 94-106Download the publication
Adaptive Posttranslational Control in Cellular Stress Response Pathways and its Relationship to Toxicity Testing and Safety Assessment23 September 2015Zhang Q, Bhattacharya S, Pi J, Clewell RA, Carmichael PL, Andersen ME (2015). Adaptive Posttranslational Control in Cellular Stress Response Pathways and its Relationship to Toxicity Testing and Safety Assessment. Toxicological Sciences, 147(2) 2015, 302-316Download the publication
Glutathione metabolism in the HaCaT cell line as a model for the detoxification of the model sensitisers 2,4-dinitrohalobenzenes in human skin19 August 2015Jacquoilleot S, Sheffield D, Olayanju A, Sison-Young R, Kitteringham NR, Naisbitt DJ, Aleksic M (2015). Glutathione metabolism in the HaCaT cell line as a model for the detoxification of the model sensitisers 2,4-dinitrohalobenzenes in human skin. Toxicology Letters, 237, 11-20Download the publication