EUROTOX 2023 - 57th Congress of the European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology
57th Congress of the European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX 2023) will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 10th – 13th September 2023. EUROTOX is taking place annually, it covers all aspects of modern toxicology and this year’s theme is “Toxicology – multidisciplinary science leading to safer and sustainable life”. Unilever’s involvement in EUROTOX 2023 will include presenting many aspects of our collaborative research through oral and poster presentations.

Oral Presentations:
Monday 11th September 2023
- 12.00-14.00 Toxys Workshop: In vitro animal alternative assays for genetic toxicity, developmental toxicity, and mechanistic toxicity
- Practical Application of NAMs in Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Testing. (PDF 1.84 MB) Predrag Kukic1, Jade Houghton1 (1Unilever)
Tuesday 12th September 2023
- 16.00-18.00 Session OS03: Short Oral Session on T-08: Developmental and reproductive toxicology
- #84 – Practical Application of New Approach Methods in Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Testing. (PDF 1.82 MB) Predrag Kukic1 (1Unilever)
Wednesday 13th September 2023
- 9.30 -11.30 Session: S24 - Toxicogenomics: breaking barriers for regulatory implementation
Poster Presentations:
- P08-06: A concentration response modelling approach for deriving embryotoxicity point of departures for Next Generation Risk Assessment. (PDF 1.12 MB) Jade Houghton1, Luke Flatt2, Iris Muller1, Amer Jamalpoor2, Katy Wilson1, Magdalena Sawicka1, Alistair Middleton1, Joe Reynolds1, Marleen Feliksik2 (1Unilever, 2Toxys)
- P08-18: Development and validation of Mother-foetus PBK model: A case study of PBK read-across for Valproic acid and 2-Ethyl Hexanoic Acid. (PDF 1.84 MB) Gopal Pawar1, Hequn Li1, Matt Dent1, Iris Muller1, Carl Westmoreland1 (1Unilever)
- P08-61: Evaluation of in vitro non-animal methods for use in systemic safety decision making. (PDF 917.27 KB)Sophie Cable1, Maria Baltazar1, Joe Reynolds1, Beate Nicol1, Gopal Pawar1, Fazila Bunglawala1, Dawei Tang1, Sharon Scott1, Sophie Malcomber1, Sarah Hatherell1, Predrag Kukic1, Matt Dent1, Andrew White1, Georgia Reynolds1, Paul Carmichael1, Alistair Middleton1 (1Unilever)
- P24-02: An exposure-led approach to worker safety assessment of sodium 2- hydroxyethane sulphonate using New Approach Methodologies. (PDF 938.94 KB) Reiko Kiwamoto1, Carl Westmoreland1, Catherine Breffa2, Caroline Chaine3, Susann Fayyaz2, Fabian Grimm2, Steve Gutsell1, Moung Sook Lee2 , Colin Smith4, Willemien Wieland4, Adam Wood1 and Tristan Zellmann3 (1Unilever, 2Clariant, 3Vantage, 4ERM)