Deriving fish and Daphnia toxicity QSARs for anionic surfactants by using experimental and computational membrane-water partition coefficients30 April 20232023 SETAC Europe, Dublin 2023, presented by Andrea GredeljDownload the poster (PDF 572.11 KB)
MechoA+ a significant update to the MechoA classification scheme30 April 20232023, SETAC Europe 33 annual meeting, Dublin, Authors: Gaspard Levet, Franklin Bauer, James Firman, Jayne Roberts, Steve Gutsell, Bruno Campos, Mark A. Bonnell, Paul Thomas, Mark Cronin and Geoff HodgesDownload the presentation (PDF 1.28 MB)
Evaluating Toxicokinetic Models as Predictors of Internal Concentration in Environmentally Relevant Species30 April 20232023, SETAC Europe 33 annual meeting, Dublin, presented by Jacob Joe Collins Univserity of Birmingham, SEAC contributors: George Fitton, Patrik Engi, Bruno Campos, Joe Reynolds, Claudia Rivetti, Tymoteusz PietrenkoDownload the poster (PDF 593.6 KB)
Development of a non-animal integrated approach to testing and assessment for acute aquatic toxicity hazard for classification and labelling30 April 20232023, SETAC Europe 33 annual meeting, Dublin. Contributiors: Donna S. Macmillan, Pravin Ambure, James Dawick, Nicolas Fabre, Geoff Hodges, Sophie Loisel-Joubert, Eva Serrano-Candelas, Blanca Serrano Ramon, Claudia Rivetti, Ricky A. StackhouseDownload the poster (PDF 1.45 MB)
Towards an ecosystem‐based approach to environmental risk assessment for freshwater ecosystems30 April 202333rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, presented by Claudia Rivetti and Andrea GredeljDownload the poster (PDF 640.97 KB)
Development of an In Silico Structural Profiler facilitating Mechanistically-grounded Classification of Aquatic Toxicants30 April 2023SETAC Europe 2023, Dublin, Presented by Dr James Firman, LJMUDownload the poster (PDF 1.07 MB)
The Use of Toxicokinetic Models to Improve the Understanding of Internal Concentration for Ionisable Organic Chemicals in Fish30 April 20232023, SETAC Europe 22 annual meeting Dublin, presented by Jacob-Joe Collins University of Birmingham, Contributors: Alessia Giorgis, Dawei Tang, Leonardo Contreas, Tymoteusz Pietrenko, Patrik Engi, George Fitton, Bruno CamposDownload the poster (PDF 384.6 KB)
The Use of Toxicokinetic Models to Improve the Understanding of Internal Concentration for Ionisable Organic Chemicals in Fish30 April 202333rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, presented by Jacob-Joe Collins, University of BirminghamDownload the poster (PDF 425.03 KB)
Comparison of the Performance and Domains of in Silico Schemes to Classify Environmental Chemicals30 April 2023SETAC Europe 2023, Dublin, Presented by Professor Mark Cronin, LJMUDownload the poster (PDF 440.83 KB)
Biodegradation of a Range of Non-Polymeric and Polymeric Surfactants in Seawater30 April 20232023, SETAC Europe 33 annual meeting, Dublin, presented by Bruno CamposDownload the poster (PDF 987.59 KB)
One Substance, One Assessment – Unachievable ambition or an opportunity for NAMs not to be missed?30 April 20232023, SETAC Europe 33 annual meeting, Dublin. Contributors: Samuel K Maynard, Michelle Booth, Emma Danby, Charlotte Elston, Tom Hutchinson, Audrey Pearson, Claudia Rivetti, Natalie BurdenDownload the poster (PDF 461.7 KB)
Combination of Computational New Approach Methodologies for Enhancing Evidence of Biological Pathway Conservation Across Species30 April 2023SETAC Europe 2023, Dublin, Presented by Peter Schumann, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and EducationDownload the poster (PDF 947.82 KB)