Longitudinal studies to risk assess microbiome perturbations induced by the application of cosmetics which target the microbiome4 April 20222022 Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Belfast, Laura Price, Paul Barrett, Silvia Klamert, Aline MétrisDownload the poster (PDF 337.5 KB)
The effect of glucose on Streptococcus mutans invasion of an in vitro synthetic community of oral bacteria4 April 20222022 Microbiology Society Annual Conference, Jay S. Sangha, Thomas P. Curtis, Nicholas S. Jakubovics, Aline Metris, Paul Barrett, Irina D. OfiteruDownload the poster (PDF 1.61 MB)
A tiered approach to risk assess microbiome perturbations induced by application of beauty and personal care products1 April 2022Metris A, Barrett P, Price L, Klamert S, Fernandez-Piquer J (2022) Microbial Risk Analysis, 20, 100188Download the publication
Integration of Kinetics and Dynamics Data for Risk Assessment Purposes31 March 2022SOT Annual Conference 2022, San Diego, USADownload the presentation (PDF 2.06 MB)
Role of a Molecular Informatics Platform to Connect Risk Assessments within Cosmetics Industry31 March 2022SOT Annual Conference 2022, San Diego, USADownload the poster (PDF 749.49 KB)
Beyond AOPs: A Mechanistic Evaluation of NAMs in DART Testing31 March 2022SOT Annual Conference 2022, San Diego, USADownload the poster (PDF 440.79 KB)
Modification of the Skin Allergy Risk Assessment (SARA) Model for GHS classification31 March 2022SOT Annual Conference 2022, San Diego, USADownload the presentation (PDF 914.74 KB)
An Integrated Approach for Testing Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity (DART) End Points for Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA)31 March 2022SOT Annual Conference 2022, San Diego, USADownload the poster (PDF 377.24 KB)
Development of a Next Generation Risk Assessment framework for inhalation safety of consumer products31 March 2022SOT Annual Conference 2022, San Diego, USADownload the presentation (PDF 3.06 MB)
Higher-throughput, allometrically-scaled, two-chamber liver-organ co-culture system for toxicity testing31 March 2022SOT Annual Conference 2022, San Diego, USADownload the poster (PDF 733.47 KB)
Role of a Molecular Informatics Platform to Connect Risk Assessments within Cosmetics Industry27 March 2022Society of Toxicology (SOT) 61st Annual Meeting, contibutors: G Ouedrago,M Cronin,A Detroyer, S Gutsell, N Hewitt, G Kenna, P Kern, C-T Krueger, C Mahony, A Najjar, K Przybylak, J Rathman, C YangDownload the poster (PDF 749.49 KB)
Beyond AOPs: A Mechanistic Evaluation of NAMs in DART Testing27 March 20222022 Annual Meeting Society of Toxicology (SOT 2022) San Diego, presented by Ramya RajagopalDownload the poster (PDF 397.07 KB)