Next generation risk assessment (NGRA) case study: use of 0.1% coumarin in face cream26 June 2020ASCCT Summer School – Innovative Science Without Animals, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 5.94 MB)
Neural network activation similarity: A new measure to assist decision making in chemical toxicology24 June 2020Allen TEH, Wedlake AJ, Gelžinytė E, Gong C, Goodman JM, Gutsell S, Russell PJ (2020) Neural network activation similarity: A new measure to assist decision making in chemical toxicology. Chemical Science, 11(28), 7335-7348Download the publication
Non-Animal Approaches to Cosmetic Safety Assessment: Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) and Case Studies21 June 2020Personal Care Technology Summit & Expo, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 4.59 MB) (Opens in a pop-up window )
Case studies: application of non-animal approaches to assess food ingredients20 June 2020The Toxicology Forum – 2020 Summer Meeting, Virtual EventDownload the presentation (PDF 1.27 MB) (Opens in a pop-up window )
Quantitative Molecular Activity Calculation Using Bayesian Learning Neural Networks10 June 2020QSAR 2021, Virtual EventDownload the poster (PDF 2.13 MB)
Toxicity testing for the 21st century (TT21C): Making the transition to Next Generation RISK Assessments (NGRA)7 June 2020Virtual Lecture at University Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), BrazilDownload the presentation (PDF 4.96 MB) (Opens in a pop-up window )
Which forests could be protected by corporate zero deforestation commitments? A spatial assessment27 May 2020Leijten FC, Sim S, King H, Verburg PH (2020). Which forests could be protected by corporate zero deforestation commitments? A spatial assessment. Environmental Research Letters, 15: 064021.Download the publication
In Silico Guidance for In Vitro Androgen and Glucocorticoid Receptor ToxCast Assays20 May 2020Allen TEH, Nelms MD, Edwards SW, Goodman JM, Gutsell S, Russell PJ (2020) In Silico Guidance for In Vitro Androgen and Glucocorticoid Receptor ToxCast Assays. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(12), 7461-7470Download the publication
New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) to advance points of departure (PoDs) estimation17 May 2020JRC Virtual Summer School on “Non-animal Approaches in Science: The Three R…evolution”, Virtual EventDownload the poster (PDF 3.6 MB)
Next Generation Risk Assessment approach for Inhalation17 May 2020JRC Virtual Summer School on “Non-animal Approaches in Science: The Three R…evolution”, Virtual EventDownload the poster (PDF 751.85 KB)
Review of life-cycle based methods for absolute environmental sustainability assessment7 May 2020SETAC EuropeDownload the presentation (PDF 622.81 KB)
Identifying and Characterizing Stress Pathways of Concern for Consumer Safety in Next-Generation Risk Assessment6 May 2020Hatherell S, Baltazar MT, Reynolds J, Carmichael PL, Dent M, Li H, Ryder S, White A, Walker P, Middleton AM (2020) Identifying and Characterizing Stress Pathways of Concern for Consumer Safety in Next-Generation Risk Assessment. Toxicological Sciences, 176(1), 11-33Download the publication