Exposure considerations when assuring human safety of cosmetic ingredients without animal testing6 May 2022EPAA PARTNERS FORUM 2022 Exposure considerations in Human Safety Assessment, Brussels, BelgiumDownload the presentation (PDF 1.63 MB)
Exposure considerations when assuring human safety of cosmetic ingredients without animal testing6 May 2022May 'Partners' Forum' of the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) presented by Carl WestmorelandDownload the presentation (PDF 1.62 MB)
PBK modelling of topical application and characterisation of the uncertainty of Cmax estimate: A case study approach1 May 2022Li H, Reynolds J, Sorrell I, Sheffield D, Pendlington R, Cubberley R, Nicol B (2022) Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 442, 115992Download the publication
Development of a Human, Cell-based Assay to study Lipids in Allergic Sensitisation25 April 2022Midlands Innovation Flow Cytometry Meeting, Loughborough University, Presented by Georgie Hopkins, University of NottinghamDownload the presentation (PDF 2.9 MB)
Refinement of physiologically-based kinetic (PBK) models of skin absorption using surrogate partition coefficient data22 April 202217th International Perspectives in Percutaneous Penetration Conference, La Grande Motte, FranceDownload the poster (PDF 549.56 KB)
Refinement of physiologically-based kinetic (PBK) models of skin absorption using surrogate partition coefficient data19 April 202217th International Perspectives in Percutaneous Penetration (2022) La Grande Motte, France, presented by Ruth Pendlington.Download the poster (PDF 528.05 KB)
The Role of Lipids in Allergic Sensitization: A Systematic Review14 April 2022Hopkins GV, Cochrane S, Onion D, Fairclough LC (2022) Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 9, 832330Download the publication
High-throughput assessment of the abiotic stability of test chemicals in in vitro bioassays11 April 2022Contributors: Julia Huchthausen, Luise Henneberger, Sophia Mälzer, Beate Nicol, Chris Sparham, Beate I. Escher (2022) Chemical Research in ToxicologyDownload the publication
High-Throughput Assessment of the Abiotic Stability of Test Chemicals in In Vitro Bioassays8 April 2022Huchthausen J, Henneberger L, Mälzer S, Nicol B, Sparham C, Escher BI (2022) Chemical Research in Toxicology, 35(5), 867-879Download the publication
The effect of glucose on Streptococcus mutans invasion of an in vitro synthetic community of oral bacteria7 April 2022Microbiology Society Annual Conference (2022), Belfast, UKDownload the poster (PDF 1.61 MB)
Longitudinal studies to risk assess microbiome perturbations induced by the application of cosmetics which target the microbiome7 April 2022Microbiology Society Annual Conference (2022), Belfast, UKDownload the poster (PDF 337.5 KB)
QIVIVE (quantitative in vitro-in vivo extrapolation) – bridging in vitro POD using PBK modelling-A case study6 April 2022BTS Congress 2022, Newcastle, UKDownload the presentation (PDF 2.67 MB)